Request for publication

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Mr. Dr.
Percy Antonio Vílchez Olivares
Editor General
Quipukamayoc Journal

Distinguished Editor,

It is a pleasure to greet you, and at the same time, I take this opportunity to express my interest in publishing in Quipukamayoc journal of the Instituto de Investigación de Ciencias Financieras y Contables of the Facultad de Ciencias Contables of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Therefore, I am enclosing the academic article entitled:

________________________________________________________________________, to be evaluated for its respective publication.

The submitted manuscript has been reviewed and approved by all the authors, who agree that I will be the corresponding author. Therefore, I declare, as the author of the referred article, that I agree with the editorial guidelines of Quipukamayoc journal, that the study is original and unpublished; and that it is not in the process of evaluation in another journal or editorial bodies. To this effect, I attach the Sworn Declaration of Authorship and Authorization for the publication of the research article.

Sincerely yours,­­­



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